The review of the history and transparency of interim governments in Pakistan renders them an unsatisfactory solution for the task at hand. The incumbent administration's modification to the Election Act, 2017, triggered a debate over the powers of interim government. One of the modifications authorized the caretaker administration to take decisions on "existing bilateral, multilateral, andREAD MORE
  • Scope of Caretaker government and recent developments

    Scope of Caretaker government and recent developments0

    In Pakistan, the goal of caretaker administration is to ensure impartiality of the government in charge of monitoring elections and to lessen the opportunity for abuse or misuse of authority and government resources during election campaigns. The President nominates an impartial caretaker cabinet to oversee the election process and serve until the elected government takes the chargeREAD MORE
  • Ensuring food security of Pakistan through agricultural mechanization and modernization

    Ensuring food security of Pakistan through agricultural mechanization and modernization0

    Pakistan needs to modernize and mechanize its agricultural industry, drastically, in order to fulfill the demands of its expanding population. Pakistan, a nation primarily dependent on agriculture, as a significant source of income and employment, faces a serious issue with regard to food security. Adopting cutting-edge techniques and technologies can considerably increase agricultural output, efficacy,READ MORE
  • Food Security Is Crucial to National Security of Pakistan

    Food Security Is Crucial to National Security of Pakistan0

    Food security is a critical component of Pakistan’s national security. As a nation heavily reliant on agriculture, Pakistan faces numerous challenges in sustaining its food production and supply. When a nation is unable to ensure a stable and sufficient food supply for its population, it sets off a chain reaction of negative impacts that canREAD MORE
  • Achieving Food Security in Pakistan: The Chinese Way

    Achieving Food Security in Pakistan: The Chinese Way0

    China's rise offers lessons for strengthening Pakistan’s agro-economy amid Pakistan’s agricultural paradox. Pakistan, a nation that depends greatly on agriculture, ironically finds itself battling a recurring problem: food insecurity. Following the devastating floods, political instability, mounting financial crisis, and social imbalances, growing food insecurity is posing a significant threat to Pakistan. In the dynamic realmREAD MORE
  • Russia-Ukraine War Impacting Food Security of Pakistan

    Russia-Ukraine War Impacting Food Security of Pakistan0

    We are living in a Global village space, where actions happening at one eminent place have ramifications spread over the other parts of the world.  Russo-Ukraine war is one of a kind. History speaks out loud of the agricultural ruins through wars. Likewise, Russia’s war with the Ukraine has effects that are felt in bothREAD MORE