Understanding Laws Related to Smog

Understanding Laws Related to Smog

Author Recent Posts Hadia Naheed Khan Latest posts by Hadia Naheed Khan (see all) Energy crisis in Pakistan – February 13, 2023 India Sponsored Terrorism in Pakistan: A Historic Overview – February 13, 2023 Understanding Laws Related to Smog – December 21, 2022

Air pollution is considered as one of the core areas of the Pakistan national conservation strategy. Pakistan is ranked 3rd in worst air quality globally & Lahore is most polluted city of Pakistan. Pakistan is the country with the massive population of some 212.2 million people making it 5th most populated country in world. Many large cities produce copious amounts of smoke, haze and deadly smog that permeate the atmosphere and cause a variety of problems for their inhabitants.

Discussing the causes of pollution there isn’t any one to be mentioned but numerous such as the pollution put out by vehicles and factories etc. Smog has serious effects on human health, environment and animals. Smog can cause serious health issues such as it irritates our airways, increases risk of serious heart and lung diseases some of them include chronic obstructive pulmonary disease , asthma and lung cancer. The ozone in smog also can damage plants and trees, and the haze reduces visibility.

Pakistan environmental protection Act was sanctioned on 6th December 1997 to provide for the protection, conversation, rehabilitation and improvement of environment, for the prevention and control of pollution  and promotion of  sustainable development .Designation of environmental magistrates under section 24  federal and provincial governments appointed senior civil judges as environmental magistrates. Pakistan environmental protection council was first constituted in 1984 under section 3 of Pakistan environmental protection ordinance 1983 with president of Pakistan as its chairman. Pakistan environmental protection agency was formed with thin staff and meager resources under the 1983 Ordinance. PAK-EPA also provides technical support to the ministry of environment. Establishment of environmental tribunals under Section 20. Delegation of powers to provincial government under section 26.

The air pollution legislation in Pakistan is controlled through four provinces .The primary anti-pollutant measure is contained in section 11 of environmental protection act (PEPA), 1997 which prohibits the discharge or emission of any effluent waste, air pollutant or noise in an amount exceeding the national quality standards for air, water or land . The provision contained in section 15 applies to motor vehicles and prohibits noise or air pollutants in an amount exceeding the national quality standards for air, water and land .it is not possible to be charged under both sections 11 and 15. Prohibition on import of hazardous waste into Pakistan, its territorial waters and maritime zones act 1976. Handling of hazardous substances section 14 prohibits the generation, collection, transportation, treatment, disposal, storage or handling of hazardous waste except under a license issued by the EPA or in accordance with provisions of any domestic law or relevant international convention.

The Pakistan penal code ,1860 section 278-making atmosphere noxious to health :whoever voluntarily vitiates the atmosphere in any place so as to make it noxious to health of persons in general dwelling or carrying on business in the neighborhood or passing along a public way , shall be punished with a fine which may extend to five hundred rupees.

The motor vehicle ordinance, 1965; The motor vehicles rules, 1969 Rule 155-silencers: every motor vehicle shall be so constructed or equipped that the exhaust gases from the engine are not discharged downwards so as to impinge on the road surface. Rule 163-Emission of smoke vapor or grease : every motor vehicle shall be so constructed , shall be maintained in such conditions and shall be so driven and used that there shall not be emitted therefrom any smoke , visible vapour ,grit ,sparks ashes ,cinders or oily substance the emission of which could be prevented or avoided by taking of reasonable steps or the exercise of reasonable care or the omission of which might cause damage or annoyance to other persons or property or endanger the safety of any other users of the road .

Section 112-general provision for punishment of offences not otherwise provided for; whoever contraverses any provision of this ordinance  or of any rules made there under  shall, if no other penalty is provided for the offence this ordinance be punished with fine which may extend to one hundred rupees to five hundred rupees.

Section 51-functions of Zia council: A Zia council may and if government so directs shall undertake all or any of the following functions ‘environmental pollution’, “Section 93”. International treaties signed by Pakistan regarding air pollution are Kyoto protocol to UNFCC  , Vienna convention for the protection of the ozone layer  , Montreal protocol on substances the deplete the ozone layer .

If laws are implemented properly it might help in making a better environment to live in and tackle the situation. Air pollution is damaging our planet. It’s important we all do our part in helping to improve the air we breathe. While a large part of the pollution may come from industries and companies that are outside of our control, there are still many things we as individuals can do to make a difference to our air quality.

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