Author's Posts

  • The Efficacy of cybersecurity laws of Pakistan

    The Efficacy of cybersecurity laws of Pakistan0

    Pakistan has developed an array of cybersecurity laws over a course of more than two decades though many of these laws are not proving to be compliant with the technological advancements of the current times. The institutions responsible for a safer cyberspace include FIA (Federal Investigation Agency), PTA (Pakistan Telecommunication Authority) and The State BankREAD MORE
  • Pakistan’s Foreign Policy and Reframing its formulation

    Pakistan’s Foreign Policy and Reframing its formulation0

    Structural changes are necessary for the foreign policy of Pakistan to achieve its objectives to the fullest. Over the years we have seen that this policy is not delivering the desired outcomes. For it to deliver results, the policy needs to be revamped in both diplomatic and economic fronts while keeping globalization under consideration. Policy-makersREAD MORE