One year to Gaza Carnage: Role of Arab states and International Community

One year to Gaza Carnage: Role of Arab states and International Community

Author Recent Posts Rabia Anwaar Latest posts by Rabia Anwaar (see all) Can UN still claim its role of Global Peacemaking? – October 11, 2024 One year to Gaza Carnage: Role of Arab states and International Community – October 11, 2024 Regional Stability and Effectiveness of SCO – September 26, 2024

One-year anniversary of Israel’s brutality in Gaza marks on October 7th 2024 and we as a part of international community have failed to put it to a halt. The year has passed; subtle silence of Arab world and international community has made Gaza echoed with the horrific sounds of bombs and out-cries of infants. The world remains haunted by the images of destruction, suffering and loss of innocent lives in Gaza but none is powerful enough to stop grave atrocities committing by Israel. The Israeli military assault is endured within and surrounding the boundaries of Gaza Strip and has labeled by many as a genocide. It left deep scars on the Palestinian people while put the conscience of the international community to a test. Over the past year, many have debated the role of Arab states and the global community in their response or lack to the ongoing humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza.

Historically, Arab states have professed support for the Palestinian cause. From the Arab-Israeli wars of the mid-20th century to public declarations in support of Palestinian statehood; the Arab world once presented a united front against Israeli aggression. However, the events of last year revealed a growing division between rhetoric and action. The Abraham Accords signed in 2020, normalized relations between Israel and several Arab nations including the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Sudan, and Morocco. While these agreements were considered as diplomatic breakthroughs that would contribute to regional stability, they have also been viewed as an implicit acceptance of Israeli occupation and policies toward Palestinians. It would not wrong to say that these accords have effectively sidelined the Palestinian issue, allowing Israel to act with impunity.

The silence of many Arab states was deafening during the assault on Gaza. Countries including Jordan and Qatar voiced concern while the UAE and Saudi Arabia remained evidently restrained in their responses. The failure of influential Arab states to pressure Israel diplomatically or impose meaningful consequences has been a major factor in the continuation of violence against Palestinians. Moreover, economic and security interests have increasingly taken precedence over the Palestinian cause. UAE have pursued trade deals and security cooperation with Israel, prioritizing their own national interests over regional solidarity with Gaza. This shift in priorities has left Palestinians feeling abandoned by their traditional allies, raising questions about the future of Arab unity on the issue of Palestine.

The international community is also failing the Palestinian people. Its response to the Gaza crisis has been equally inadequate. Various international and human rights organizations including Amnesty International and the United Nations etc. have condemned Israel’s actions, passed several resolutions, but meaningful intervention has been sorely lacking. The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) was traditionally seen as the global arbiter of peace and security, but in case of Gaza, it has been paralyzed by the veto power of the United States, Israel’s staunchest ally. Washington has consistently blocked efforts to hold Israel accountable, arguing that the state has the right to defend itself. This stance undoubtedly ignores the reality on the ground: the systematic displacement, occupation, and targeting of Palestinian civilians under the guise of self-defense.

As for European countries, they have also fallen short in their response. Some EU member states have called for investigations and sanctions, the bloc remains divided over how to address the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Many European nations maintain close trade and diplomatic ties with Israel, complicating efforts to hold the country accountable. This ambivalence undermines the credibility of international calls for justice and peace.

What is happening in Gaza right now is a clear and sheer violation of international law, including the Geneva Conventions, explicitly prohibits collective punishment, disproportionate military force and targeting civilians, actions that were widely reported during the Israeli offensive. Despite of clear evidence of war crimes, the international community has largely refrained from taking substantive action. The International court of Justice ruled on a bid by South Africa to stop military offensive in Rafah and warns Israel to prevent genocidal acts in Gaza.  However, the ruling of ICJ is non-binding on states, which raises concerns over the validation and legal supremacy of international law.

War is actually a nightmare for majority of civilians. Chasing geo-political ambitions have only cost civilians, which presents an appalling sight. With the death toll exceeding 40,000 Palestinians, including hundreds of women and children, the assault represents yet another dark chapter in the long and tragic history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Homes, schools, hospitals and critical infrastructure were destroyed; thus leaving thousands of people displaced. Gaza’s healthcare system was already on the brink of collapse due to the blockade and years of conflict, is further overwhelmed by the airstrikes, bombings and influx of casualties. Mental health among Gazans, particularly children, has also been gravely affected. Moreover, the uninterrupted barbarism by Israel and blockade continues to suffocate the economy, restrict access to basic necessities and prevent reconstruction efforts. Cutting off Gaza from the outside world has relinquished the hope for a political or diplomatic resolution in sight.

Inaction is not an option. One year after the genocidal assault on Gaza, as a moral imperative, the international community is under compulsion to act. Arab states must reconsider their strategic priorities and consider the rights and lives of Palestinians as valuable. The normalization of relations with Israel should not come at the expense of the Palestinian people. Global leaders must break silence and take meaningful steps toward justice. It is now a high time for striking diplomatic pressure to end the blockade on Gaza, supporting investigations by the ICC, imposing targeted sanctions on Israeli officials responsible for war crimes and a just and sustainable solution, one that recognizes the rights and dignity of Palestinians.

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