The contemporary global order is undergoing some critical changes brought-forth by China, however, this change may not completely replace U.S. with China as the leading global power. China's incremental challenge to U.S. dominance through economic, diplomatic and financial strategies may seek coexistence rather than outright replacement of the status quo. The contemporary global order isREAD MORE
Achieving a sustainable and durable peace in the Levant region seems quite a hard nut to crack. This region has been a victim of turmoil and instability since decades, owing to either personal ambitions of stakeholders or foreign involvement and occupation; directly or indirectly. The recent ceasefire that came into effect on November 27, 2024,READ MORE
The U.S. presidential elections are of paramount importance for Pakistan as they cast a significant impact on foreign policy and diplomatic relations with Pakistan. Foreign policy is the epicenter of U.S. electoral debates as the outcome will definitely impact its partners and allies. In case of Pak-U.S. relationship, they both share a complicated affair withREAD MORE
Smog diplomacy is not a panacea for the decades-old traditional rivalry between Pakistan and India, but it is a pragmatic starting point to ease deep-seated tensions. India and Pakistan can potentially mend ties on climate change, as the environmental crisis presents an apolitical, mutually existential challenge that transcends traditional rivalries. Both nations face severe consequencesREAD MORE