Author's Posts

  • Can Pakistan modernize its economy?

    Can Pakistan modernize its economy?0

    Pakistan's economy stands at a crucial juncture, characterized by both significant challenges and opportunities. Currently, the nation grapples with high inflation, a mounting fiscal deficit, and a balance of payments crisis, all exacerbated by global economic volatility and domestic political instability. In the past, Pakistan's economy has oscillated between periods of growth and stagnation, heavilyREAD MORE
  • Operation Azm e Isthekham: Explainer

    Operation Azm e Isthekham: Explainer0

    Operation Azm-e-Isthekham is a contentious campaign, criticized for its aggressive tactics yet praised for its relentless pursuit of national stability. An important military operation called "Resolve for Stability," which is derived from Urdu, is about to be started by Pakistan in response to the urgent security threats posed by insurgency and terrorism. This operation isREAD MORE