Author's Posts

  • Role of constitutional court as per 26th amendment

    Role of constitutional court as per 26th amendment0

    The recent adoption of Pakistan's 26th Constitutional Amendment signifies a turning point in the country's judiciary. Among its many innovations, the amendment's establishing of Constitutional Benches in the Supreme and High Courts has led to heated discussion regarding Pakistan's judiciary's future role and autonomy. While new benches are meant to streamline judicial proceedings and increaseREAD MORE
  • The importance of Security in Pakistan-US relationship

    The importance of Security in Pakistan-US relationship0

    The relation between Pakistan and the United States has been a complex mixture of cooperation and tension since Pakistan's independence in 1947. Shaped by historical events, geopolitical interests and security concerns. In recent years, the importance of security concerns has been increasing between the nations as both nations navigate challenges such as terrorism, regional instability,READ MORE
  • Is there a need for Judicial Reforms in Pakistan?

    Is there a need for Judicial Reforms in Pakistan?1

    Pakistan, like many other countries, faces numerous hurdles in bringing judicial reforms. Inefficiencies and mistrust among the people, along with substantial delays in case processing, lead to a justice crisis in the country. The Judicial system plays an important role in upholding the rule of law, protecting the rights of every individual in the countryREAD MORE

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