National security refers to the government’s capacity to use different avenues to safeguard and defend a sovereign state, including its inhabitants, economy, and institutions, as a duty of government. Originally envisaged as a defence against military assault, national security is now commonly recognised to encompass non-military components such as terrorism prevention, crime reduction, border security, economic security, energy security, environmental security, food security, and cyber-security. Similarly, in addition to the acts of other nation states, national security concerns include the actions of violent non-state actors, drug cartels, and multinational businesses, as well as the consequences of natural disasters. 

Although nations’ approaches vary, with some beginning to prioritise non-military action to address structural sources of insecurity, different types of coercive force, notably Military Capabilities, predominate. The extent of these skills has grown. Military capabilities have always been mostly land- or sea-based, and in smaller nations, they remain so. Other possible warfare domains today include the law, air, space, the internet, and psychological operations. Military capabilities built for these areas can be utilised for defensive and offensive goals, such as conquering and annexing land and resources. 

Military Cooperation between China and Pakistan in managing CPEC Security

Military Cooperation between China and Pakistan is as significant as the paramount strategic importance of CPEC itself. The wave of terrorism has resurfaced once again in Pakistan and both major stakeholders are, unfortunately, paying the cost. Countering terrorism has regained prominence in Pakistan, particularly in response to mounting Chinese concerns about ongoing insecurity along the

Why is CPEC Security Crucial to its Stakeholders?

China Pakistan Economic Corridor is a framework of regional connectivity and economic cooperation between China and Pakistan. It provides China with a land route to the Arabian Sea, bypassing the Malacca Strait, a strategic chokepoint vulnerable to disruptions. This offers a more secure and efficient route for trade with the Middle East, Africa and Europe. Additionally, CPEC opens access to Pakistan's abundant natural resources, like copper and rare earth minerals, crucial for China’s growing industries. It allows China to export its infrastructure, expertise and manufactured goods to Pakistan. The project creates jobs in China and stimulates economic growth. CPEC

TTP Resurgence – What went wrong?

The rise in terror related incidents in Pakistan highlights Islamabad’s failure to implement the National Action Plan and also the absence of clarity in Pakistan’s Afghanistan policy. For nearly two decades, TTP had spread terror in the country with horrendous attacks targeting minorities, sectarian minorities, universities, schools, government and military installations. The deadliest attack conducted

What Strategy Could be More Effective on Pakistan’s Western Borders: Cooperation or Operations?

While a proactive military approach can address immediate threats, fostering cooperation offers a more sustainable solution for long-term goals. However, this cooperation must be contingent on safeguarding Pakistan’s national interests. Pakistan has vulnerable and porous shared western borders with Afghanistan and Iran. The issues range from transnational terrorism, drug trafficking, and border skirmishes to infiltration, terror financing and human trafficking. These challenges demand

Pakistan’s attack inside Afghanistan: Implications for Pak-Afghan Relations

The future of Pak-Afghan relations is fraying back to the past. The recent airstrikes by Pakistan on Afghan soil have significantly strained the already fragile bilateral ties. Pak-Afghan relationship holds a complex history, marked by periods of cooperation, mistrust, and conflict. Incidents of Pakistan's attacks inside Afghanistan spans several decades, often intertwined with geopolitical dynamics,

Will Coalition Government be able to take Pakistan out of economic crisis

The ability of a coalition government to address and overcome economic crises in Pakistan, depends on various factors including the composition of the coalition, its policies, leadership, cooperation among coalition partners, the state of the economy, and external factors. A coalition government, by its nature, involves multiple political parties working together, often with differing ideologies